ALL NYS Employers: Must conduct Anti-Harassment Compliance Training

New York State requires All employers to comply with the New York State training and policy requirements around preventing sexual (and other) harassment.

The New York State website has updated to include videos and a policy that is customizable for businesses

The employer website can be found here:

    • Under “Model Sexual Harassment Policy” employers can access the policy they should have their employees read/acknowledge
    • Under “Model Complaint Form” employers can utilize these in order to assist with employees who would like to formally complain about an instance within the workplace
    • Under “Training requirements” employers can understand what is required of them
    • Under “Training videos” employers can use these to satisfy the training requirement. However, the employer must then have an interactive portion afterward to discuss employee questions, go over how employees can make a complaint, and understand how hypothetical situations will be handled

Video for Employers:  

Most payroll providers will also provide assistance with this training.

Please let me know if I can be of any help.

Noah Bank, 212.280.2080